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Thursday, 8 July 2010

Lib Dem voters 'joining Labour'

The first signs of a major shift in British politics have seen Labour receive an unprecedented surge of new members eager to oppose the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition.

21,000 have joined the Party since the General Election in what acting Labour leader Harriet Harman described as an "emerging political movement happening amongst progressives in Britain".

Lib Dem voters see a "big difference between what they thought they voted for and what they ended up with - and they just aren't comfortable with it."

Half of the new members were Labour voters now even more determined to get us back into government, but almost one in three recruits were Lib Dem voters let down by that party's partnership in power with the Tories - making deep spending cuts and setting the wrong priorities for the country.

Since 2007, we have seen SNP councillors leave their own group in Glasgow disenchanted with their party. Perhaps Lib Dem elected representatives will now take a similar route to make a positive difference for their own communities.


  1. No Labour just suspend members for financial Irregularities and the same councilor has been accused of dealing drugs in the city chambers and lets not forget about your former leader who has admitted taking drugs yes a record labour can be proud of your the most corrupt party in the country

  2. Apparently if everywan in Scotland had voted Liebour we'd stiil hae got a Toraidh Government in Westmonster.

    The Liebour war cry was to vote Liebour tae keep the Toraidh's oot.

    So whit happened???? Care tae explain

  3. Illegal wars, lying to Parliament, attacks on legal freedoms, money grubbing, rampant municipal corruption, failure to address, in 13 wasted years, everything the People's Party ever stood for, MPs and Labour Lords on criminal charges - nothing removes the scales from their eyes.

    But STILL Scotland puts a cross in the Labour box. Why? Because that's what we've always done…

  4. i see you have your snout stuck well in the trough as you get over £29000 for being a councilor were the stadard is just over £16000 plus you get an extra £12000+ for being the chair
    of South West Glasgow community trust oink oink

  5. I dont know why you call yourself Scottish labour, because you havent got Scotland at heart and so you are British labour.
    Norway the richest country in the world, Scotland (if we are allowed to call ourselves a country) the poorest in Europe.
    Quizling !

  6. Unusually high interest in a post headed "Lib Dem voters...".
    This gentleman has more work to do:
